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Summer School on Doing and Communicating Qualitative Research

Summer School on

Doing and Communicating Qualitative Research

School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Kingston University London

17-20 July 2017



Kingston University London invites you to our third annual Summer School on Doing and Communicating Qualitative Research. Organised by Professors Evanthia Lyons and Adrian Coyle, the Summer School runs from July 17th until July 20th 2017. It offers a valuable opportunity for both novice and more experienced researchers to develop and extend their qualitative research knowledge and skills in practical, hands-on ways. Participants can attend for one day, several days or the whole four days.

At the heart of the Summer School is a range of day-long, expert-led workshops that cover the whole span of the research process from design through to writing up. Workshop content will include (please see the attached full programme):

  •     approaches to qualitative data generation (individual interviewing, focus group interviews, and using social media data)
  •     approaches to qualitative analysis (thematic analysis, IPA, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, and computer-assisted qualitative analysis - NVivo)
  •     building new knowledge from qualitative research literature (doing 'qualitative meta-synthesis')
  •     research with particular groups (researching with vulnerable groups and with children)
  •     research in applied settings (doing qualitative evaluation studies)
  •     writing up qualitative research for dissertations, reports and publications

In response to feedback from participants in previous years, we are delighted to announce a workshop on supervising students' qualitative research projects as a new addition to the 2017 programme.

The Summer School programme includes keynote presentations from experienced qualitative researchers and scholars - Dr Sarah Riley (Aberystwyth University), Professor Dariusz Galasinski (University of Wolverhampton) and Professor Celia Kitzinger (University of York) - who will provide insights into the past, present and future of qualitative research.

You can also get expert and peer advice on your current and future research through our daily Consultation Clinics, and have plenty of opportunities to share experiences and network with like-minded peers.

The Summer School is suitable for novice and experienced researchers, postgraduate students in psychology, social sciences, health and other related disciplines, and professional practitioners.


For full details and prices, please visit http://www.kingston.ac.uk/qr2017

Some subsidised places are available for members of the British Psychological Society's Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section, which is an official supporter of the Summer School.

If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Adrian Coyle at a.coyle@kingston.ac.uk


Published Date: 24.04.2017
Published by: Agata Mazurkiewicz