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Open lecture on "Changing patterns of Euroscepticism: from a Cold War perspective to the 2010s"

 Open lecture by Prof. Valentine Lomellini and Prof. Paolo Graziano from Universita' degli studi di Padova on "Changing patterns of Euroscepticism: from a Cold War perspective to the 2010s" will take place on Monday, 8th of May 2017 at 18.30.in room 10, Garbarska 7a


Paolo R. Graziano is Professor of Political Science at the University of Padua and Associate Fellow at the European Social Observatory in Brussels. He has published and edited several volumes and special issues on topics such as Europeanization, welfare state politics, European social policy, political consumerism, European governance. He published three books, and edited 8 special issues for various international journals. His most recent book on ‘Sustainable Community Movement Organisations’ was published in 2016 (Il Mulino, in Italian – written with F. Forno). His work has appeared in the following journals, among others: Comparative European Politics, European Journal for Political Research, European Political Science, Regional and Federal Studies, Social Policy and Administration, Governance, Global Social Policy, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of Social Policy, Journal of Consumer Culture, International Journal of Social Welfare, Italian Political Science Review, The Annals of the America Academy of Political and Social Science.


Valentine Lomellini is Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Law Sciences, and International Studies – University of Padua, where she teaches History of International Relations and History of European integration. She earned a Ph.D in Political Systems and Institutional Changes at the Institute of Advanced Studies IMT – Institutions, Markets and Technologies, and obtained the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic and the Simon Veil Award.

She published three monographs, edited three special issues of international journals, and published about 40 articles on international books and reviews such as the Journal of Modern Italian Studies, the Journal of the History of European Integration and Zeitgeschicte, among others. Her most recent book is ‘La grande paura rossa. L’Italia delle spie bolsceviche, 1917-1922’ (FrancoAngeli, 2015).

Her main interests of research concern the history of Italian and French political parties’ international relations; the history of the Cold War in Italy and the international dimension of social movements.

Published Date: 03.05.2017
Published by: Agata Mazurkiewicz