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The Institute of European Studies receives three prestigious grants from the European Commission !!!

We are proud to announce that the Institute of European Studies has recently been awarded three important grants from the European Commission: two prestigious, large-scale research projects in the scheme of Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Actions, as well as a Jean Monnet Networks grant to develop cooperation among international centres focusing on European Studies. A team of academics from the Institute of European Studies and Institute of Sociology will be involved in the projects.


Horizon2020 EU3D

The research project “EU3D. EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy” (#EU3D) is led by prof. John Erik Fossum from ARENA Centre for European Studies, Oslo University and scholars from 10 partner academic institutions and think tanks (ARENA, Oslo University; Breugel Belgium; ELIAMEP Greece; Comenius University in Bratislava; Jagiellonian University Kraków, LUISS School of Governance Rome; Science Po Grenoble; University of Copenhagen; University of Konstanz and Oxford University). It will study the future of political integration in Europe. Team of researchers that is led by Professor Zdzisław Mach includes dr Magdalena Góra, dr Joanna Orzechowska-Wacławska, dr Natasza Styczyńska, dr Przemysław Tacik and dr Marcin Zubek from the Institute of European Studies and dr Marta Warat, dr Katarzyna Zielińska from the Institute of Sociology.


Horizon2020 POPREBEL

The research project “Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism” (POPREBEL) is coordinated by prof. Jan Kubik and the University College London. The consortium members are Institute of European Studies' long-lasting partners in the region: Charles University in Prague, Corvinus University in Budapest, University of Belgrade and University of Tartu. The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to focus on explaining and contextualising the recent rise of populism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) from a variety of perspectives: social, cultural, political and economic ones. The researchers in the POPREBEL projects will work in an international team, and the principal investigator at Jagiellonian University will be prof. Zdzisław Mach, team of researchers include dr Krzysztof Kowalski, dr Joanna Orzechowska-Wacławska, dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj, dr Agnieszka Sadecka and dr Natasza Styczyńska.


Jean Monnet Networks REACTIK

The REACTIK project aims to broaden the field of European integration studies by incorporating the domain of European Cultural Diplomacy (ECD) and European Culture Policy (ECP). The project will develop an inter-regional, collaborative academic space to enhance the study of European cultural diplomacy. The project consortium coordinated by the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design (Israel) includes partners from various countries and continents: Ben-Gurion University of Negev (Israel), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Jawaharlal Nehru University (India), Waseda University (Japan), University of Canterbury (New Zealand). Among the members of the Institute’s team are prof. Zdzisław Mach, dr Magdalena Góra, dr Agnieszka Sadecka, dr Natasza Styczyńska and dr Marcin Zubek.