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Conference "Young Polish emigration in the EU as a subject of psychological, sociological and cultural research" - call for papers

Young Polish emigration in the EU

as a subject of psychological, sociological and cultural research

Conference in Krakow, September 23rd-24th, 2013


We invite everyone to take part in a conference "Young Polish emigration in the EU as a subject of psychological, sociological and cultural research". The conference is an element of the „EUROEMIGRANCI.PL" research programme, realized by the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow and the Polish University Abroad in London. The aim of the project is to present and discuss progress in research and knowlegde on the contemporary situation of the groups of Poles in the European Union countries, with a special emphasis on Great Britain. 

Main language of the conference will be Polish, but we also invite to send us papers in English. Discussion will be organized into three blocks: psychological, sociological and cultural. In your application, please choose the block in which your paper could be presented.


The organizators do not require the conference fee.

The papers which will have a positive editorial review, will be published the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences.

The costs of journey and visit in Krakow will be covered by the participants.


Please, fullfill the application below and send it by email on the address: konferencja@euroemigranci.pl till June 15th, 2013.

The list of accepted papers will be announced on July 5th, 2013.


Conference will have place on September 23rd-24th 2013 in the office of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow, Sławkowska Street 17.


All your questions please send us by email:  konferencja@euroemigranci.pl

For further information, please visit our webside at: www.euroemigranci.pl


President of the Organizing Committe


Application form

Published Date: 21.05.2013
Published by: Katarzyna Damek