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Joint Second Cycle Degree in International Relations: Europe in the Visegrad Perspective. On-line Reader

Pod redakcją dr Grzegorza Pożarlika ukazał się podręcznik zatytułowany Joint Second Cycle Degree in International Relations: Europe in the Visegrad Perspective. On-line Reader. Podręcznik powstał w ramach grantu:  the International Visegrad Fund VUSG-JDP Grant 61360003 i przeznaczony jest dla studentów MA in International Reliations: Europe in the Visedrad Perspective. Publikacja zawiera teksty pracowników, doktorantów Wydziału Studiów Miedzynarodowych i Politycznych oraz pracowników partnetrskich Uniwersytetów w konsorcjum VNDREAM. Więcej informacji na stronie www.visegradstudies.eu
Spis treści:
Gilles Rouet: Build and legitimize Europe
Grzegorz Pożarlik: Conceptualising the EU as new kind of power in late-Westphalian international relations. The case of EU policy towards Ukrainian crisis.  
Marcin Rebes: Totality Thoughts and Fear of Totalitarianism in the past and contemporary international relations. Truth and Responsibility from the Perspective of an Attitude towards the Other by Jakob Leib Talmon and Emmanuel Levinas.
Marcin Grabowski: Regional Integration in the Asia-Pacific: Is there Anything Left from Asia-Pacific Community Proposal?
Monika Eriksen: European Common Security and Defense Policy: The Case of Visegrad Battlegroup
Ewa Kamarad: The unification of Conflict of Law Rules in the European Union and its Influence on Private International Law in the Coutrysides of the Visehrad Group
Kinga Anna Gajda: The cultural dimensions and differences inside the Visegrad Group
Krzysztof Koźbiał: The Party System of The Czech Republic
Viktor Glied: From the green movement to a party THE Effect of the crisis and democratic movements in Hungary
Zoltán Bretter: Halfway or No Way?
István TARRÓSY and Zoltán VÖRÖS: Hungary's Global Opening to an Interpolar World
Andrea SCHMIDT: The economic transformation in Hungary – detour or impasse?
Published Date: 31.10.2014
Published by: Kinga Gajda