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Spotkanie z doktor Stefanią Bernini

Szanowni Państwo,
Serdecznie zapraszamy na spotkanie z dr Stefanią Bernini, w trakcie którego wygłosi ona wykład zatytułowany " The gender of war: women, violence and the reconstitution of national spaces in postwar Europe". Spotkanie odbędzie się 20 marca w sali wystawowej B Auditorium Maximum UJ
(ul. Krupnicza 33) w godzinach 11.00-13.00.
Dariusz Niedźwiedzki
Dyrektor Instytutu Europeistyki UJ
Stefania Bernini lectures in European history at the University of New South Wales and is a Visiting Professor at Collegium Civitas, Warsaw. She obtained a Ph.D. from the University of London and she has held research positions at St Antony?s College, Oxford, the European University Institute in Florence, and the University of Warsaw. Her main fields of research are the history of childhood, family and gender in twentieth-century Europe. Recent publications include:
"Mothers and Children in Postwar Europe: Martyrdom and National Reconstruction in Italy and Poland?, European Review of History, (Forthcoming,  2015)
"Bambine e Bambini nella Storia?, Genesis, 2014, (edited with Adelisa Malena)
"The Foundation of Civilised Society: family and social policy in Britain and Italy between 1946 and 1960", in P. Ginsborg, J. Nautz, T. Nijhuis, The Golden Chain: Family, Civil Society and the State?, Berghahn Publishers, 2013, "Family Politics, the Catholic Church and the Transformation of Family Life in the Italian Second Republic", in A. Mammone, G. A. Veltri (eds.), Italy Today. The Sick Man of Europe, Routledge, 2010
"Przemiany Rodziny w Polsce i we Wloszech (edited with Ewa Les), University of Warsaw Press, 2010; Family Life and Individual Welfare in Postwar Europe, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007.
Published Date: 11.03.2015
Published by: Kinga Gajda