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To students

Dear students,

We know that the past two months have been extremely difficult for all of us, and studying in such conditions can be uncomfortable. That is why we want to tell you that we, members of the Student Council of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University, are here for you. If you have any problems, you can contact us via the Facebook page:, or e-mail:

We also have some information and facilities for you that we would like to share.


Links to digital sources and scientific resources

From May 4 this year, libraries are slowly coming back to life, but many of us are still staying at home far away from the physical sources we may need. To complete the semester, we often have a lot of essays to write, some of us are also writing theses. Therefore, meeting the urgent need to use legally available online sources, we have created a database with links to digitalized scientific articles and books.

link ➡️



We have received a lot of information from you about how e-learning works. We know that it is not always perfect, so we have prepared a survey in which you can share with us remarks (negative but also positive) about distance learning. We will collect them all and pass them on so that together we can ensure the quality of our education. We also want to assure you that we are staying in constant contact with the Faculty's employees and are working together all the time to optimize the system of distance learning.

link ➡️


Armor for the medic

We have actively joined the "Helmet for the medic" campaign, but our brave health care workers need the rest of their armor. If you want to help in the continuation of the action, you will find information at this link ➡️

SOWA - student support and adaptation center

SOWA offers psychological support for Jagiellonian University students and PhD students. It is currently working by phone. If you are in quarantine or have encountered other difficulties in your life, you can take advantage of free consultations. Remember that mental problems are not worth delaying! 🙂 

More information at ➡️

We hope that you are doing well in the current situation. Remember that you can contact us in case something is wrong.

Best Regards,