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ANNOUNCEMENT: Major change to research ethics review process!

Good research ethics remain vital to our research, but the process by which these are reviewed and verified has recently changed.
Following the resolution of the Council of the Institute of European Studies of 25 April 2023, and due to the adoption of the Regulations for Faculty Commission on Research Ethics by the Faculty Council on May 23, the Institute Research Ethics Commission has ceased to exist. Henceforth, applications for ethics opinions on research projects should be submitted to the Faculty Commission. The process is similar, but it has moved to a different level in the University structure.
We recommend that researchers and students familiarise themselves with its procedures.
Research Ethics Commission (Institute-level, no longer active)
The Research Ethics Commission was established by the Council of the Institute of European Studies. The Committee issued opinions on those research projects conducted by staff, doctoral candidates and students which involved direct contact with respondents (especially interviews and participant observation). It is also intended to assist and advise researchers in ensuring due care for the protection of personal data as well as metadata in connection with open access procedures.