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International Conference "The World on the Move: Understanding Migration in a New Global Age" 17-19 July 2024

International Conference "The World on the Move: Understanding Migration in a New Global Age" 17-19 July 2024

17-19 July 2024 (Wednesday-Friday), the conference "The World on the Move: Understanding Migration in a New Global Age" will be held at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University.
The conference is organised by Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Research Network, Global Studies Research Network, and the Jagiellonian University.

Speakers include:

  • Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Chief Social Scientist, Common Ground Research Networks, Illinois, USA
  • Rafal Soborski, Professor, International Politics, Richmond American University London, UK
  • Marcin Galent, Assistant Professor,​ Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University
  • Jan Brzozowski, Professor, Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University
  • Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz, Professor, The Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
  • Michał P. Garapich, Professor, London Metropolitan University, UK

Conference programme

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