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Euroculture Scholar Conference 'Visions and Revisions of Europe'

The year 2017 will be a pivotal one for Europe. The great recession and economic crisis within the Eurozone has brought with it the rise of social discontent and a crisis of legitimisation in the European integration process. Brexit has become a reality, and waves of populism have inundated virtually all corners of Europe. As rain clouds loom over the continent, visions of Europe’s future are manifold. What is certain is that European citizens need to act to help shape, revise and create a Europe that is safe, inclusive, prosperous and, perhaps above all, hopeful. Jean Claude Junker has set out a vision of Europe as “an anchor of stability in a changing world,” others are not so optimistic.
Drawing on the Euroculture 2017 Intensive Programme theme, Visions of Europe, the Euroculture Scholar Conference Visions and Revisions of Europe seeks to create a space for dialogue about the juxtapositions present in contemporary European societies, which are pitting many visions of what was, is and will be, and the many revisions that are being proposed and in some cases, carried out.
The conference will take place on 29th of June 2017 in the Conference Room, Auditorium Maximum (33 Krupnicza Street, Krakow). 
Data opublikowania: 23.06.2017
Osoba publikująca: Agata Mazurkiewicz