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Central Europe, the EU and myself


The challenge

Dear Students, we kindly invite you to participate to our Challenge “Central Europe, the EU and myself”. 1989 our region regained freedom and thanks to that finally in 1990 (East Germany) and in 2004 (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) joined the EU. For you, 2004 enlargement is a distant memory while 1989 democratic revolutions are already part of History. Your generation has experienced democracy, European solidarity and prosperity within the EU as something obvious and natural for many years. However, today these values face in Central Europe serious challenges from nationalism, Euroscepticism, authoritarian trends and economic vulnerability. In consequence, the legacy of 1989 and 2004 seems to gain relevance again for us as an important source of inspiration.  Rise of awareness about these events among young Europeans, particularly from Central Europe is essential in order to build common understanding of our European history and values and to deal with challenges as a community. 

Share your reflections on these events through a short essay. Tell us how you understand 1989 democratic revolutions and to what extent they represent an asset for you/your country/your region or even the EU. Explain us how you perceive EU integration as a (Central) European citizen. What  lessons we can draw from 1989 and 2004 that we should keep in mind for our present and future.

Our EUritage consortium members will assess your essays and reward the best writers. The winner will be invited to Brussels to participate to a round table on 1989/2004 heritage (all costs covered) and his/her essay will be published in a special New Eastern Europe issue. Second prize: invitation to speak at Gdańsk’s event (all costs covered).

Maximum 1.000 words in Polish or English

Deadline 30th  March 2020

Announcement of results 7thApril  2020

Eligibility: Citizens of the EU

Please send your essay to:


The project

EUritage celebrates the 30th anniversary of Central European democratic revolutions as well as the 15th anniversary of their accession to the European Union. These historical events now belong to our common European heritage. They unite European citizens as part of the same community of values. Key lessons from Central European democratic transition and European integration process are necessary to build our common European future.  This project is led by WiseEuropa together with Institut für Europäische Politik, Metropolitan University Prague, city of Gdańsk and Hungarian Europe Society. It is co-financed by the European Commission within the framework of Europe for Citizens programme.
