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Anniversary Conference

In celebration of the upcoming 20th anniversary of European Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the Institute of European Studies is organizing an international conference entitled "Whither Europe? European integration in transformation".

The conference will be held from 19th to 20th September 2013, and will be attended by a number of Polish and international experts, both academics and practitioners, in the field of European integration. The list of our speakers includes: Róża Thun, a member of the European Parliament, prof. Gerard Delanty, prof. Konstanty Wojtaszczyk, prof. Idesbald Goddeeris, prof. Vincent Dujardin, prof. Hans-Jörg Trenz and prof. Gilles Rouet.

The conference will cover a wide range of themes, thus reflecting the interdisciplinary character of European research and the multifaceted nature of integration processes in Europe.

Issues that will be discussed during the conference include:

  • external and internal political, economic and social challenges that shape the contemporary European integration process,
  • influence of the recent Eurozone crisis on the future of the integration process,
  • changes of the institutional and legal order of the European Union,
  • problems of the construction and re-construction of European identity and the processes of Europeanisation,
  • European migration processes and their influence on European integration.

The conference languages will be English and Polish.

The most notable papers, converted by the authors into articles, will be published in a special issue of the journal "Politeja".


Forms of participation:

1.      Registered participants with a paper:

The conference fee is 100 EUR per delegate.

It covers conference materials, catering during coffee breaks, lunch and dinner on the first day of the conference as well as the cost of the post-conference publication.

2.      Registered participants without a paper:

The conference fee is 75 EUR per delegate.

It covers catering during coffee breaks, lunch and dinner on the first day of the conference. Delegates will also receive our post-conference publication.

3.      Participation without registration



Fees should be paid by bank transfer.


Bank Account:

Uniwersytet Jagiellonski

Wydzial Studiow Miedzynarodowych i Politycznych

Bank Pekao SA O/Krakow

IBAN: PL 98 1240 4722 1111 0000 4858 6669



In the title of payment please write:

» name of the delegate

along with:

» Whither Europe? European integration in transformation

» Institute of European Studies

» no: 2000647

Below please find the final version of the conference programme along with the organizational details.



Any questions related to the conference should be directed to Mrs. Monika Nowak: email:, telephone: 12 664 74 11

If you would like to register for the conference, please contact us at:

(dr Joanna Orzechowska-Wacławska)



Organisational information

Conference programme

Session plan