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Euroscepticism in the CEE 10 years after the “big bang” enlargement

Main topic of the workshop was to discuss the question of whether, after ten years of integration of the new member states in the European Union, one can still recognise a specific character of Central Eastern European euroscepticism as something significantly different from that found in Western Europe, or whether the East-West boundary is no longer meaningful and has been replaced by other divisions that can be observed in the EU. What factors (political, social, economic, cultural) are responsible for the development of euroscepticism in CEE and how do they compare with similar factors which are to be found in the pre-enlargement EU-15?

Opening address was made by  Prof.Zdzislaw Mach (Jagiellonian University)who tried to find a possible ways to answer the question if euroscepticism in CEE is different from the Western European one. He stressed the diverse roots of the phenomenon and some specific regional aspects. Party based euroscepticism in CEE was discuss basing on the case studies from Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. Changes in the attitudes towards European integration in Czech party programmes was discussed by Petr Kaniok(Masaryk University).  Peter J. Tunkis (Ohio State University) presented research findings that would suggest that in some cases Polish parliamentarians are rather more nationalist than Eurosceptic. A comparative analyses of the Hungarian Jobbik and polish Law and Justice parties was presented by  NóraLázár (Corvinus University), followed by presentation of SándorGallai and JózsefDúró (both from Corvinus University) that  presented more in depth research on Hungarian euroscepticism in the time of economic crisis. PrzemysławBiskup (University of Warsaw) argued that we can treat British Euroscepticsm as amother of all Euroscepticisms, debating British influence in conceptualising Eurosceptical discourse in Western and Central-Eastern Europe as well as outcomes of recent EP elections and the implications on building the fractions within the parliament.

Second session was devoted to public opinion and include the presentation by ElitsaKortenska (Leiden University) who presented the outcomes of the research conducted with DimiterToshkovon immigration issues and how this undermine public support for integration in the European Union. Also MaciejStępka (Jagiellonian University) presented a fresh research findings, discussing how European integration is perceived from a local, Polish perspective.

The workshopbrought together experienced scholars and young researchers from Poland, USA, Czech Republic, Hungary and the Netherlands. We believe that this event was both perfect academic and networking event.

Euroscepticism in the CEE 10 years after the "big bang" enlargement 
program konferencji - 29.05.2014 
sala 1.22 (IE UJ)