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Zaproszenie na konferencję pt.: "30 Years of German Unity – What’s Next?

Serdecznie zapraszamy do śledzenia kolejnego wydarzenia odbywającego się w ramach projektu rEUnify: A Comparative Study of National Perceptions regarding German Reunification (#rEUnify), w którym ISE reprezentuje dr hab. Kinga Anna Gajda. Instytut będzie również partnerem i współorganizatorem kwietniowego seminarium. Ponadto w prace projektowe zaangażowani są studenci ISE oraz uczniowie kursu z kulturoznawstwa Krakowskiego Młodzieżowego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk i Sztuk (KMTPNiS) prowadzonego przez prof. Gajdę.

30 Years of German Unity – What’s Next? 

Online Citizens’ Conference 
for Citizens of Groningen, the Borderland, and Europe 
December 10th

How did the Dutch people perceive the German reunification back in 1989/90, and how do they perceive it now? How have the relations between both countries evolved since then? What did the event mean for Europe back then, what does it mean now, and what will the future bring?

At the conference 30 Years of German Unity – What’s Next?, citizens of Groningen and the border area will discuss these questions with experts from Political Science, History, and Cultural Studies. On December 10th, from 13:30 to 17:30, three generations of Dutch and German citizens will exchange views and memories, renowned experts Professor Lars Rensmann (Groningen) and Professor Jacco Pekelder (Münster) will present current research on Dutch-German relations, and European researchers will present the EU-funded project rEUnify. A Comparative Study of National Perceptions regarding German Reunification. 

Audience: Everyone is welcome to join online! Tickets are free. For more information and registration, visit the link.

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