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January 2022

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Migrant Crisis and Its Consequences for Regional and European Security. Discussion panel

Date: 27.01.2022
Start Time: 17:00
Place: Zoom
Organiser: LSE IDEAS CSEEP at the Jagiellonian University
Contact: Maciej Smółka,

LSE IDEAS CSEEP at the Jagiellonian University would like to invite to an online discussion panel on "Migrant crisis and its consequences for regional and European security"

27 January 2022, 4:00-5:30 PM GMT (online platform: Zoom)

Panel participants: 

  • Dr. Luke Cooper (LSE). 
  • Dr. Karolina Czerska-Shaw (Jagiellonian University), 
  • Dr. Aliaksei Kazharski (Comenius University), 

Chair: Prof. Mary Kaldor (LSE).

Migrant crisis, whether on the Polish-Belarusian borded or in the southern fringes of the European Union, has been one of the most daunting challenges to European unity and security.
Main purpose of this panel is to discuss different facets of migrant crisis in Europe, including consequences of Lukashenko's regime attempts to weaponize migration; how the crisis on Polish-Belarusian border has been interpreted in Poland and Belarus respectively; assessment of the situation ‘on the ground’ from the civil society organizations points of view; and what are effective policies to manage movements of people and support integration. From a broader perspective this debate could also serve as a discussion about consequences of this migrant crisis for the security of Central and Eastern Europe. 

poster informing about title, date an hour of the discussion panel