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February 2022

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Lecture by Professor Avigail Eisenberg Minority Rights, Majority Rights and Social Change

Date: 28.02.2022
Start Time: 17:00
Place: On-line – MS Teams, streaming on Youtube
Organiser: dr Piotr Obacz (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of International and Political Studies)

We cordially invite all students, PhD candidates and scholars of the JU’s Faculty of International and Political Studies to participate in the lecture by Professor Avigail Eisenberg from the University of Victoria, Canada, entitled: Minority Rights, Majority Rights and Social Change.

The event will take place on February 28, 2022 (Monday) at 17:00 on the MS Teams platform, and will be live-streamed on Youtube.


Professor Avigail Eisenberg is renowned scholar, engaged in research on multiculturalism and identity politics, political pluralism, democratic theory and normative political theory. Her publications have been translated into Polish, as well as French, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese.

Professor Avigail Eisenberg works in the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Victoria. In the years 2013-2018 she was Chair of the Department.

Abstract of the lecture:

Over the last 40 years, political theorists and state actors have been divided about how best to ensure that members of minorities are treated as equals. Some argue that legal measures to accommodate minorities are valuable because they provide a helpful corrective to the disadvantages minorities experience wherever they are outnumbered by majorities in democratic contexts. Others challenge the idea of that minorities ought to be accommodated. According to these critics, minority accommodation has gone too far and violates the rights of national majorities. This paper examines how the relationship between minority rights and equal citizenship has changed in political theory over the last 40 years. Are minority accommodation and ‘equal citizenship’ still considered helpful ways to understand what equality requires? If not, what has replaced these values?


Professor Eisenberg’s lecture will inaugurate the series of eight lectures within the project "State, Diversity, and Security. Studies on Interdependencies in Contemporary World”.


February 28:
Prof. Avigail Eisenberg
, University of Victoria

March 8:
Nick Pope
, former officer of British Ministry of Defence, now independent expert, advisor and publicist

March 23:
Prof. Robert O. Keohane
, Princeton University

April 12:
Prof. Bogusław Pacek
, a retired Major General of the Polish Army, Jagiellonian University, Chair in East and South Asia, Institute of the Middle and Far East, Faculty of International and Political Studies

April 26:
Prof. Artur Gruszczak
, Jagiellonian University, Chair in National Security, Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of International and Political Studies

May 10:
Prof. Brygida Kuźniak
, Jagiellonian University, Chair in Public International Law, Faculty of Law and Administration

May 24:
Prof. Oriane Calligaro
, Université Catholique de Lille

May 31:
Prof. John Ishiyama
, President of American Political Science Association, University of North Texas


The project “State, Diversity, and Security. Studies on Interdependencies in Conteporary World” is supported by a grant from the Priority Research Area “Heritage”, Didactic-Educational Minigrants Edition I, under the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at the Jagiellonian University.

The aim of the project is to organize innovative online interdisciplinary lectures as part of the series "State, diversity and security. Studies on interdependencies in contemporary world”. They will be given by renowned scholars, prominent academics and important public figures from various countries. The lecture series is aimed at students and Ph.D. candidates of the Jagiellonian University, especially of the Faculty of International and Political Studies, who will have a unique opportunity to meet recognized experts - political scientists, lawyers and specialists in security and international relations - and, most importantly, to broaden their knowledge and cognitive horizons. Lectures will be devoted to the fundamental problems and challenges of today’s world, which have a fundamental impact on human life, the functioning of states and societies, and which may affect their future. This series will be particularly important for students and Ph.D. candidates of the Jagiellonian University as it will enable presentation of selected problems and challenges not as isolated cases but as elements of global processes taking place under conditions of interdependence, growing with progressive globalization.

Project manager is Dr Piotr Obacz – Assistant Professor in the Chair in the History of Polish Political Thought, Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University.


We would like to invite all of our scholars, students and PhD candidates to participate in the abovementioned meetings on the MS Teams platform and Youtube.

All of attendees will have an opportunity to comment and ask questions using chat.

If you would like to submit questions to our experts and/or issues you would like to be discussed, please contact the Project manager and at the same time the host of the meetings – Dr Piotr Obacz: