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Students' field trip to the Jagiellonian University vineyard and the Okocim brewery

Students' field trip to the Jagiellonian University vineyard and the Okocim brewery

On Saturday, 8 June a group of international students from the Institute of European Studies and the Inter-faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities programme of the Jagiellonian University took a field trip to visit the Jagiellonian University vineyard in Łazy and the Okocim brewery.

The trip was organised as part of the course ‘History and Sociology of Food and Drink in Poland’. 

In spite of the weather forecast, it turned out to be a bright sunny day, perfect for strolling among the grape vines! We talked about why a French-origin hybrid like Seyval blanc is more popular with vintners in Poland than in its home country, how a brewery impacts the security and prosperity or local workers, and much, much more. As an added bonus, our guide for the historical portion of the brewery tour was a first-year student from our Faculty of Political and International Studies, Adam Surmacz, who drew on his deep local knowledge and anecdotes passed down through his family.
