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Wybrane konferencje


Od lewej: Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj, Dr Eleonora Narvselius, Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa, Dr Krzysztof Kowalski

Panel at the 4th international conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China

  1. 3.09.2018, panel The Europeanization of realms of memory and the invention of a common European heritage, chairs: Dr Krzysztof Kowalski and Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa; papers: Dr Krzysztof Kowalski, From national realms of memory to European heritage. On discursive transformations of cemeteries of the First World War within a European frame of reference; Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj, Europe on display. How museums support a civilizational program; Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa, The museums of emigration in Sweden and Poland and the process of Europeanization; Dr Eleonora Narvselius, Eurovikings. European heritage discourses and transnational practices at a Viking site

Research workshops

  1. 1.12.2017, workshop Narrating Otherness. European Heritage as a Discourse of Inclusion and Exclusion, organizor: Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, participants (from IES UJ) Prof. Zdzisław Mach, Dr Krzysztof Kowalski, Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj, Dr Katarzyna Suszkiewicz, Elisabeth Wassermann and Łukasz Bukowiecki; participants (from Centre for European Studies, Lund University): Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa, Dr Eleonora Narvselius, Niklas Bernsand, Dr Linda Sandberg
  1. 30-31.03.2017, workshop Diversity and Unity. How Heritage Becomes the Narrative for Europe՚s Future, organizor: IES, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, participants (from IES UJ) Prof. Zdzisław Mach, Dr Krzysztof Kowalski, Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj, Katarzyna Suszkiewicz, Elisabeth Wassermann and Łukasz Bukowiecki; participants (from CES LU): Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa, Dr Eleonora Narvselius, Niklas Bernsand, Prof. Adrian Velicu
  1. 4-5.12.2015, workshop The Europeanization of realms of memory and cultural heritage – the cases of Poland and Sweden, organizor: IES, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, participants (from IES UJ) Prof. Zdzisław Mach, Dr Krzysztof Kowalski, Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj, Katarzyna Suszkiewicz, Elisabeth Buttner; participants (from CES LU): Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa, Dr Eleonora Narvselius, Prof. Lars-Eric Jönsson, Dr Bjorn Magnusson Staaf, Prof. Ulf Zander


1. Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (28 March), keynote The Europeanization of Memories of the Second World War, conference World War II: History and Memory, organizer: Charles University, Prague

2. Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj (26-27 March), expert/trainer of the workshop Developing new routes: Maritime/Underwater Heritage and Traces of Ice Age, conference Second Routes4U meeting for the Baltic Region, organizer: the Council of Europe, Helsinki


3. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (18 October), keynote The urban heritage in the context of Europeanisation / Le patrimoine urbain dans le contexte de l'européanisation, conference ”Villes en Transformation: Defis, (Pre)Visions, Perspectives / Changing Cities: Challenges, Predictions, Perspectives”, organizor: New Bulgarian University (NBU), Sofia

4. Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj (6-7 September), organizor of the workshop Social Participation and Europeanization of Heritage in Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, conference First Routes4U meeting for the Baltic Region, organizor: the Council of Europe, Oslo

5. Dr hab. Paweł Kubicki (18 June), paper Procesy turystyfikacji. Przypadek Krakowa, conference Zrównoważona turystyka miejska – wyzwania i rozwiązania, organizor: Jagiellonian University, Kraków

6. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (11 June), participation in the panel ‘Left and Right lungs of Europe’ (Western and Central/Eastern Europe), organizor: European Economic and Social Committee, Kraków

7. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (8 June), lecture The identity of European society and the process of integration of the multicultural Europe, Polish Academy of Scieinces (Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN), Paris

8. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (12 May), participation in the panel ‘Remembrance – Collective Memory’, seminar on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, organization: Polish Council of Youth Organizations, Warsaw

9. Kubicki Dr hab. Paweł (19 April), paper Ruchy miejskie we współczesnej grze o miasto, conference XXXI Konwersatorium Wiedzy o Mieście, organizor: Łódź University, Łódź

10. Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (19 April), public lecture In Search of Transnational and Transcultural Memories of the Holocaust. Cases from Poland and Sweden, organizor: Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Vienna

11. Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj (22 March), paper Między Bogiem a prawdą. Interpretacje dziedzictwa w polskich muzeach, conference Cultural Education Policies in Europe, organizor: Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Obserwatoriów Kultury, Kraków


12. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (23 November), lecture and discussion Anthropologie de l’Europe, semianr Regards croisés sur l’Europe 2017-2018: Nouvelles approches et débats actuels, organizor: Institut d’Etudes Européennes, Université Paris8, Paris

13. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (14 November), keynote Difficult memory and dilemmas of identity: Remembering and representing the Holocaust in Poland, conference/organizor: 2nd International Conference of the European Association for Holocaust Studies (EAHS), Kraków

14. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (16 November), paper La symbolique politique dans l’Europe contemporaine, seminar Séminaire d'actualité de la recherche sur les constructions européennes, organizor: CNRS / Paris 1 Sorbonne / École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris

15. Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj (25-27 September), paper Is Gdansk worth dying for? Museum of the Second World War as a foundational battle, conference New Nationalisms: Sources, Agendas, Languages, organizor: Academia Europea Knowledge Hub, Wrocław

16. Kubicki Dr hab. Paweł (27 September), paper Czy ruchy miejskie stają się podmiotem politycznym w polskich miastach?, conference II Kongres Europeistyki, organizor: Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Europejskich i University Szczeciński, Szczecin.

17. Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (3 August), keynote European politics of memory and local memories in Eastern and Central Europe, conference Living Memorires, organizor: Helsinki University

18. Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj (5 July), paper Sense and Sensitivity. Krakow’s Route of Memory as a way of collective trauma management, conference Preserving Transcultural Heritage: Your Way or My Way? organizotor: ICOMOS and Lisbon University, Lisbon

19. Dr hab. Paweł Kubicki (9 June), paper Polska kwestia miejska z perspektywy długiego trwania, conference Miasto w procesie przemian od czasów nowożytnych do współczesności, organizor: Wrocław University, Wrocław

20. Dr hab. Paweł Kubicki, (20 April), paper Depopulacja a tożsamość miasta, conference Depopulacja a nowy paradygmat rozwoju miast i regionów, organizor: University of Łódź, Spała

21. Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj (13 March), paper We Could be Heroes ...: Tadeusz Pankiewicz and Oscar Schindler in Musealised Postmemories, conference Museums and Their Publics at Sites of Conflicted History, organizor: POLIN Muzeum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw

22. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (25 February), keynote Why we should teach about Holocaust (in Poland and in Europe), conference Polish-Jewish History Reflected in Education in Poland and Israel, organizor: POLIN Muzeum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw

23. Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (23 February), public leture Om transkulturellt mine. Exempel från Polen och Sverige [About Trancultural Memory. Examples from Poland and Sweden], organizor ”Folkuniversitet”, Lund

24. Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (10 February), paper Memory and Heritage of the ‘Lost Other’ in Central European Cities, conference Creating the City, organizor: Malmö University, Malmö


25. Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa Baśka (1 September), paper Whose Memory? Which Future, COST-ISTME conference, Locating and Dis-Locating Memory: In Search of Transcultural Memory in Europe, organizor: network COST-ISTME and University College of Dublin, Dublin

26. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (1 September), participation in the panel New post migration memories in Lower Silesia”, COST-ISTME conference, Locating and Dis-Locating Memory: In Search of Transcultural Memory in Europe, organizor: network COST-ISTME and University College of Dublin, Dublin

27. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski, 2016 (30 June), paper The concept of European heritage and its use in EU initiatives, international summer school The idea of Europe and its borders in social sciences and the humanities, organizor: Sofia University, place Kiten, Bułgaria

28. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (2 June), participation in the panel The positive impact of EU Enlargement and the challenges ahead in the candidate and potential candidate countries, conference EU Enlargement as a public policy-challenges and perspectives, organizor: Institute of European Studies JU, Kraków

29. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (4 May), lecture The Aftermath of the Holocaust in Europe, conference  The Double entendre of Nuremberg Hate and Justice, organizor: International Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights and Jagiellonian University, Kraków

30. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (19 April), paper Reconstructed discourses on the European past. The role of European heritage in search of a new European ‘imaginarium’, COST-ISTME conference Transcultural memory and reception in Europe, organizor: network COST-ISTME and Sofia University, Sofia

31. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (17 April), discussant, COST-ISTME conference Transcultural memory and reception in Europe, organizer: network COST-ISTME and Sofia University, Sofia


32. Dr hab. Paweł Kubicki (3 December), paper Wynajdywanie miejskości. Perspektywa polska, conference Miasto, masa i … projekt. Historyczne trajektorie dyskursów modernizacyjnych, organizor: Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Studiów Miejskich, Łódź University, Łódź

33. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (17 November), lecture Społeczne kształtowanie przestrzeni dziedzictwa kulturowego w kontekście przemian tożsamości zbiorowej, conference Tradycja w przestrzeni czasu. 70 lat Wielkiej Wędrówki, organizor: Muzeum Karkonoskie, Jelenia Góra

34. Dr hab. Paweł Kubicki (23 September), paper (Re)konstrukcja tożsamości miast na przykładzie Szczecina i Wrocławia, conference Przeszłość – przyszłości. Modele obchodzenia się z trudną przeszłością w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej po 1989 roku, organizor: Dom Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej, Zamek w Kamieniu Śląskim

35. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (25 September), paper Grand national narratives vs cosmopolitan, European heritage, conference European Narratives – Europe and the European Union in the 21st Century as Political, Social and Cultural Constructions, organizor: Institute of European Studies UJ, Kraków

36. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (16 September), paper Reshaped and new narratives in/of old European cities (panel: Cities and their narratives), conference The 3rd Heritage Forum of Central Europe. City, organizer International Cultural Centre, Kraków

37. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (14 July), lecture European heritage(s) and European identity seminar (16 July) European symbols and heritages in the making, summer school Identity, democracy and power, organizer EUROMEC: Jean Monnet Network European Identity, Culture, Exchanges and Multilingualism and the Institute of European Studies UJ, Kraków

38. Elisabeth Bűttner and Katarzyna Suszkiewicz (20 June), paper Remembrance Days in European Union - developing a common European narrative or pursuing national goals?, COST-ISTME conference  EU politics of memory, organizer: network COST-ISTME and European University Institute, Florence

39. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (18 June), lecture Europe in Search of a Common Heritage: Discourses of Transnational lieux de mémoire, summer school Democracy, expertise and power: making new Europe in the era of globalisation, organizer: Institute of European Studies UJ and Centre for European Studies (ARENA), University of Oslo, Kraków

40. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (6 June), keynote Sensitive Heritage – Sensitive Interpretation, conference of the network „Interpret Europe”, Kraków

41. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (1 June), opening lecture The consequences of the Holokaust for social consciousness and collective identity”, summer school, organizor: Centre for Holocaust Studies UJ, UNESCO Chair for holocaust Education UJ, Ilinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center – Skokie (USA), Kraków

42. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (7 May), lecture Kształtowanie się tożsamości europejskiej – jak integracja wpływa na tę tożsamość?, conference Europa wobec wyzwań XXI wieku. Granice Wolności, organizor: Oświęcimiskie Forum Praw Człowieka, Oświęcim

43. Elisabeth Büttner and Katarzyna Suszkiewicz (24 April), paper The Polish Discourse about the Righteous among the Nations: Between Commemoration, Education and Justification?, conference The Holocaust and the Contemporary World, organizor: McGill University, Jagiellonian University and University of Gdański, Kraków

44. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (29 January), presentation of the research project Edifices of a Europeanised Heritage, conference: Uses of the Past – Matchmaking Event, organizor: HERA, Tallin, Estonia

45. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (23 January), expert, conference: Heritage. Images. Ideology, organizor: IMT Institute for Advance Studies, Lucca, Italy


46. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski and Dr Eleonora Narvselius (26 November), paper The Role of Cultural Heritage in the process of European Integration – a presentation of a project application, organizor: Centre for European Studies, Lund University, Lund

47. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (25 November), lecture The meaning of patriotism and the dynamics of national identity between the Great War and the present, conference First World War. People and Nations: Perspectives and consequences, organizor: University of Trieste, Gorizia

48. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (7 November), opening lecture Inni w polskim kontekście, event Strefa Inter@kcji”, organizor: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw

49. Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj (9 October), paper ‘Make it wow!, make it interactive and don't forget to include the human dimension’. Narrative strategies in museum exhibition management, conference Regimes of Memory II. Types of trauma management in Central and Eastern Europe, organizor: Academia Europea Knowledge Hub, Wrocław University, Wrocław

50. Prof. Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (5 August), paper Transnational Memory Travels: Entanglements of the Local, National, European and Global Memories in Five European Cities, conference ISSEI, Porto

51. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski, 2014 (6 August), paper Europeanization of Polish heritage, international program Toward a 21st Century Polonia, organizor: Taube Foundation and Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kraków

52. Dr Krzysztof Kowalski (5 June), paper Common European heritage in the context of national memories, international summer school The idea of Europe and its boundaries in the social sciences and the humanities, organizor: Sofia University, Kiten

53. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (15 May), participation in the panel A Polish elites, struggle for equal recognition of experience of Communism in the European Union, COST-ISTME conference The memory of Communism in Europe: actors, norms, institutions, organizor: COST-ISTME network and Institut Universitaire de France, Paris

54. Dr Łucja Piekarska-Duraj (10 May), paper From exhibiting to content management: interpretive planning for local museums, conference Heritage Interpretation and Tourism: Enhancing the Tourist's Experience and Benefitting Host Communities, organizor: “Interpret Europe” network, Primošten, Chorwacja

55. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (6 February), lecture Dylematy tożsamości i demokracji w UE 10 lat po wielkim rozszerzeniu, conference Europa XXI wieku. Polska, Europa i świat 10 lat po rozszerzeniu Unii Europejskiej z roku 2004. Diagnozy i scenariusze na przyszłość, organizor: Faculty of Political Studies and Journalism, Poznań University, Słubice


56. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (19 September), keynote lecture Whither Europe? European Integration in Transformation, Institute of European Studies UJ, Kraków

57. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (16-17 September), organization of the panel Memory and Migration, organizor: COST-ISTME network and Jagiellonian University, Kraków

58. Prof. Zdzisław Mach (12 June), paper Racism and Xenophobia: can labour mobility continue unchecked?, conference European society and social solidarity. Is Europe fragmenting?, organizor: Universite Paris I, Sorbonne, Paris