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Staż w Europaeum (Oksford)

Studentów zainteresowanych stażem zagranicznym w organizacji Europaeum zachęcamy do złożenia swojej aplikacji zgłoszeniowej. Zgłoszenia przesyłać należy do Pani Nataszy Styczyńskiej (natasza.styczynska@uj.edu.pl) do 28 maja 2013 r. 


Poniżej szczegóły ogłoszenia:



EUROPAEUM is searching for a graduate intern and web maintenance officer for it's office based in Oxford !

That might be an excellent opportunity to combine work and research as well as to gain professional experience in the international institution. Internships are available for 1, 2 or 3 months. Each intern will be asked to support general office work, work on current events and will be given a research project to work on and help develop.

Europaeum help in finding housing and offer an honorarium of £5.70 an hour.

If interested please send your CV and covering letter, including 2 referees (preferably one academic and one professional) to the the Europaeum office: euroinfo@europaeum.ox.ac.uk (and a copy to the Europaeum coordinator at Jagiellonian University: natasza.styczynska@uj.edu.pl ).

More about Europaeum http://www.europaeum.org Deadline for application is May 31st, but please apply as soon as possible.


Data opublikowania: 17.05.2013
Osoba publikująca: Katarzyna Damek