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Widok zawartości stron Widok zawartości stron

kwiecień 2019

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International Summer School on “Sustainable Economic Growth”

Data: 26.04.2019 - 09.05.2019
Organizator: The Faculty of Economic Science of Kaposvár University

The Faculty of Economic Science of Kaposvár University is pleased to launch its International Summer School on “Sustainable Economic Growth” between26.04-09.05.2019.

Summer School is a two week long academic program designed to bring together undergraduate and graduate students of various nationalities and academic backgrounds in a unique academic and cultural environment in a highly interactive way.

The programme is self financed and your costs can be covered by Erasmus mobility.

The official programme will be launched at from 22th March 2019.

The application will be open from 22th March 2019 at

We accept your application only via the online application form!


We also provide the program for free for the first applying 40 students. Please circulate the Students Invitation, as well.


On behalf of the organizing board,

Yours sincerely,

Ádám Csuvár

responsible for programme organization

Kaposvár University



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