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Meeting with a representative of the College of Europe

Date: 01.12.2022
Start Time: 16:30
Place: ul. Reymonta 4, room 512

Dear Students,

I would like to remind you about the meeting with a representative of the College of Europe, which will take place on Thursday (December 1) at 16:30 (Institute of European Studies, room 512).

I am sending additional information (attachment "Ogłoszenie - Stypendia rządowe i europejskie na studia w College of Europe (PL & ENG)") about scholarships funded by CoE.


Krzysztof Kowalski

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Ogłoszenie - Stypendia rządowe i europejskie na studia w College of Europe (PL & ENG)
A group of young people in front of a building among trees, information about the meeting and logos underneath