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Assistant Professor in the Department of European Philosophy

Dr Przemysław Tacik

Dr Przemysław Tacik

Office: room 511

Assistant Professor at the Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University and Director of the Nomos Centre for International Research on Law, Culture and Power. A philosopher, lawyer and sociologist by education, he holds PhDs in philosophy (2014) and international law (2016). He has been a visiting scholar at several universities (Columbia University, SUNY at Buffalo, Université de Nice, Université Paris-1, Université d’Orléans, Heidelberg Universität, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, the University of Salzburg, the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and Lisbon University). Received a scholarship of the French government (2018), a scholarship for the best young researchers awarded by the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher Education (2018-2020), and a DAAD scholarship (2020). In his academic work he combines philosophical and legal perspectives, attempting to approach them from an interdisciplinary angle. His main fields of interest are: in philosophy – contemporary philosophy, Jewish philosophy and animal studies; and in law – critical legal studies, international law, human rights law.


  • Director of the Nomos: Centre for International Research on Law, Culture and Power;
  • Deputy Director of Studies of International Programmes;
  • Dean’s Proxy for Safety and Anti-Discrimination;
  • Disciplinary Spokesperson for Jagiellonian University students and doctoral students;
  • Member of the Faculty Committee for Research Ethics

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  • P. Tacik, A New Philosophy of Modernity and Sovereignty. Towards Radical Historicization, Bloomsbury: London and New York 2021, p. 232.
  • P. Tacik, Deconstructing Self-Determination of Peoples in International Law. Sovereignty, Exception, Biopolitics, Brill: Leiden and Boston 2023, p. 502.
  • P. Tacik, Melancholy of the Law, “Law and Critique” 2021, nr 32 (2), 2021, p. 1-20.
  • P. Tacik, Przystąpienie Unii Europejskiej do Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka, EuroPrawo, Warszawa 2017, p. 696.
  • P. Tacik, Wolność świateł. Edmond Jabès i żydowska filozofia nowoczesności, Austeria, Kraków 2015, s. 596 (English translation: Freedom of Lights. Edmond Jabès and the Jewish Philosophy of Modernity, transl. P. Poniatowska, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2019, p. 401)
  • P. Tacik, Socjologia Zygmunta Baumana, Scholar, Warszawa 2012, p. 207.
  • P. Tacik, ‘The Other Side of Exception. Sovereignty, Modernity and International Law’ in C. Cercel, G.G. Fusco, S. Lavis (eds.), States of Exception. Law, History, Theory, Routledge, Abingdon and New York 2021, p. 54-72.
  • P. Tacik, ‘Populism, Legal Studies, and CEE: Some Meta-Reflections’ in Rafał Mańko, Adam Sulikowski, Przemysław Tacik and Cosmin Cercel (eds.), Law, Populism, and the Political in Central and Eastern Europe (Abingdon and New York: Birkbeck Law Press 2024) 24-46.
  • P. Tacik, Ernst Bloch as a Non-Simultaneous Jewish Marxist, “Religions” 2018, vol. 9, p. 1-20.
  • P. Tacik, ‘Repetition in Law and Exclusion of Non-Human Animals from Norm-Application’ in M. Gołębiewska (ed.), Cultural Normativity – Between Philosophical Apriority and Social Practice, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2017, p. 57-75.
  • P. Tacik, ‘After the Dust Has Settled. How to Construct the New Accession Agreement After Opinion 2/13 of the CJEU’, German Law Journal 2017, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 919-967.

  • The Rights of Nations to Self-Determination: Critical Re-Appraisal in Times of Populism, Grant NCN (Opus 17), 2020-2023. Project Manager.
  • Przestrzenie detencji, projekt współkoordynowany przez UJ i UAM przy wsparciu finansowym PAN, 2018-2021. Member of research team.
  • EU3D “Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy”, European Commission, Horizon 2020, 2019-2022. Member of research team.
  • OpenSpace – European Open Initiative Platform for Electronic Networking and Sustainable Provision of Adult-Centred Education in Privacy and Personal Data Protection, European Commission, Erasmus+, 2017-2019. JU Manager.
  • Przekład książki Wolność świateł. Edmond Jabès i żydowska filozofia nowoczesności na język angielski, MNiSW Uniwersalia, 2015-2019. Project Manager.