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Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics and Culture of Mediterranean Countries

Dr Grzegorz Pożarlik

Dr Grzegorz Pożarlik

Office: room 517

Grzegorz Pożarlik is a lecturer in the Institute for European Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and holds a PhD in Humanities from the Faculty of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University. His doctora thesis analysed the Polish raison d'état in the context of the European integration processes. He has also done research in the fields of international security in the Post-Cold War era, democracy and legitimacy in the EU, European citizenship and European identity, civil society and public sphere. His recent publications focus on the problem of global asymmetry as a background for the emergence of the Post-Westphalian paradigm in the international relations with special emphasis on the role of the EU as a global normative power.

Dr Grzegorz Pożarlik co-ordinates Eramus Mundus mobility programmes as well as other joint European Studies programmes within the Institute of European Studies.

Web Content Display Web Content Display

  • The social construction of threat in the era of permanent uncertainty or why do security studies require deeper sociologisation? w: Kultura, tożsamość i integracja europejska pod redakcją Dariusza Niedźwiedzkiego. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Zdzisławowi Machowi, Wyd. NOMOS, Kraków 2014
  • Joint Second Cycle Degree in International Relations: Europe in the Visegrad Perspective Online Reader 2014/15 pod redakcją własną, Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych UJ w ramach grantu Międzynarodowego Funduszu Wyszehradzkiego Joint Degree Program – grant  numer 61360003
  • Individual, Collective, Social. Identity as Most Contested Social Science Concept, w:  Europe - Space for Transcultural Existence? Red. Tamcke, Martin, de Jong, Janny, Klein, Lars, van der Waal, Margriet (Hg.), University of Gottingen, 2013
  • Bezpieczeństwo w świecie po 11 września 2001 roku w perspektywie socjologii stosunków międzynarodowych w: Herediats Mercaturae, Księga ku pamięci Prof. dr hab. Stanisława Miklaszewskiego, red. P. Czubik i Z. Mach,  Krakow 2012, Instytut Multimedialny
  • Démocratie et force dans les relations internationales. L'Union européenne, une puissance normative cosmopolitique dans un monde toujours westphalien in: PARTICIPATIONS ET CITOYENNETĖS DEPUIS LE PRINTEMPS ARABE, Antoniy Galabov et Jamil Sayah (eds.), Editions L'Harmattan, Paris, Dėcembre 2012.
  • "European Citizenship as New Social Construct. Implications for Construction of Collective Identity in Contemporary Europe" in: Journal of Political Science of the University of Banska Bystrica, vol XIV, 2/2011.
  • La citoyenneté européenne comme nouvelle construction sociale. Les implications pour le développement d'une identité collective dans l'Europe contemporaine: Gilles Rouet (ed.) CITOYENNETÉS ET NATIONALITÉS EN EUROPE. Articulations et pratiques,  Décembre 2011, Editions  L'Harmattan, Paris.
  • Mobility, Migration and Identity Transformation in an  Enlarging European Union. Implications for Sociological Research in: Serge Doufulon et Maria Rostekova MIGRATIONS, MOBILITÉS, FRONTIÈRES ET VOISINAGES, Novembre 2011, Editions  L'Harmattan, Paris.
  • Collective identity and the challenge of axiological pluralism in the new Europe, in: Z. Mach & M. Góra (eds.) Collective Identity and Democracy. The Impact of EU Enlargment, RECON Working Papers, ARENA, Oslo, 2010.
  • Reconstructing the significant other in an enlarged EU. Essentialistic vs. civic construction of collective identity in: Fabienne Maron & Grzegorz Pożarlik  (eds.) Identités, citoyennetés et démocratie - 20 ans après. Identities, Citizenship and Democracy - 20 years after, Editions Bruylant, Brussels, November 2011
  • Bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe w czasach globalnej asymetrii: w: „Zrozumieć współczesność. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Prof. Hieronimowi Kubiakowi", red. Grzegorz Babiński i Maria Kapiszewska, Wydawnictwo Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej, Kraków 2009
  • Collective identity formation in the process of EU enlargement: defeating the inclusive paradigm of a European democracy?, RECON Working Paper, 2008, ARENA Oslo